Older / Legacy Act! Versions

We Provide Legacy Support for Previous Versions of Act! 

At any point in time, there are users on any number of the Act! versions that have been released. As an Act! user, it’s important for you to be aware of Act!’s upgrade pricing and obsolescence policies, and their impact on you. Typically, Act! supports the latest version plus the previous two versions. Additionally, the ability to purchase new licenses and/or upgrades is also affected by the obsolescence policy.

Why It’s Important to Upgrade:

  • Cost: Allowing your upgrade pricing window to expire will cost you hundreds more for each Act! license initially and much more in the long run.
  • No Support for Your Act! Database:  AspenTech CRM will attempt to provide support for legacy versions of Act!.  However, there are many support issues which require Act!'s involvement which would not be available for obsolete products.   
  • No Additional Licenses: When your Act! version is unsupported, you cannot get additional licenses for your team. Remember, all Act! users must be on the same version.
  • Lost Compatibility: Staying with an unsupported product puts you at risk for losing support for MS Server, Windows and Office upgrades that aren’t compatible.
  • Lose Out on New Act! Functionality: Every Act! version includes many new and improved functions that provide opportunities to increase the return from Act! within your organization.

Act! Feature Comparison Chart

To learn more about how our legacy Act! support can help you achieve your goals, contact AspenTech CRM today at (866) 880-4228 to schedule a free consultation with a CRM specialist.