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Team CRM: Increase Your Sales Efficiency

CRM is very much a team sport. CRM systems involve all departments that touch your customers. Your CRM system must be designed to meet the data, usage and report requirements of each customer-touching department. That is the only way any organization can truly maximize the ROI from its CRM investment. From time to time we’ll explore the requirements and benefits of the various departments including marketing, sales, administration/finance, customer service, customer support – the list goes on.

In this initial four-part series, we’ll delve into the CRM functionality you need to ensure your customer data management positively influences and informs your business. First, let’s look at how a well- implemented CRM can increase the efficiency of your sales team.

Your Sales Reps help your prospects make complex buying decisions. In order to do so, they must be in constant touch to help them understand your products or services. When you have a CRM that tightly integrates email marketing, social media, and activity tracking, your Sales Reps will be able to reach leads, prospects, and customers easily – and you’ll be able to measure the outcome of their efforts.

Key CRM functionality for your sales team:

  • 360° view of your customers and prospects. Go beyond contact information and ensure that
    sales history, activities, email engagement, and social conversations are part of your CRM. By integrating multiple sets of customer data you ensure one accurate, up-to-date view of contact and sales information.

  • Live updates and notification. Timing is critical to your sales team’s success. Set triggers to activate when your prospects open an email or engage on your website. Consider using a round-robin process to allocate leads, or specify salespeople based on lead source. This will ensure timely and meaningful engagement.

  • Personalized sales approach. From within your CRM, sales reps should be able to see exactly which ads or emails customers clicked, or which keywords they used to find your business. When you understand what motivated a prospect to seek you out, you can craft a more effective, personalized sales approach.

  • Track real-time notifications from third-party apps. Don’t waste time checking individual notifications from various stand-alone apps – your CRM should include or be able to use APIs to give you real-time customer notifications and trigger the action you want your sales team to take.

  • Integrated social media cues. Tracking your prospects’ social interactions within your CRM lets you know what’s most important to them… and suggests the right time to get in touch. Your sales team will be in a position to nurture relationships more effectively and close deals faster.

  • Engage across multiple channels. Your customers use a variety of media to reach you – phone calls, emails, chat, social media, and more. Ensure these are incorporated into your CRM for further action, tracking and analysis designed to increase your sales close rate.

  • Generate real leads from trade shows. Often a trade show just seems to yield a slew of business cards. Make sure your CRM can scan and translate business cards into actionable prospect data. Instantly get in touch and schedule that critical post-show follow up appointment.

  • All leads are not created equal. Some come from people genuinely interested in your product, while others are “just looking.” Implement an automated lead scoring system that ranks prospects based on their activity types and level. Then assign follow-up tasks to the appropriate salesperson or team instantly.

Congratulations if your CRM is already incorporates this functionality. If not… perhaps it’s time to take another look at your CRM. AspenTech CRM will work with you to evaluate your current system and show you how to implement the system you need to maximize your business’s sales efficiency. Contact one of our CRM experts today at (866) 880-4228 or click here to start a conversation.

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