New Employee On-Boarding is Simpler and Faster with CRM Training

Written on 03/12/2015
New Employee Results Faster With CRM Training

#CRMBenefits | #EmployeeCRM | #CRM4NewHires

Your business is booming, and you’re bringing on new people. But they need to learn – and fast – how to navigate a new workplace. It’s a great problem to have, yet it’s a problem, nonetheless.

How do you help your new employees get trained quickly on the customer relationship management (CRM) aspects of your business?

How do you make sure that the training you provide is thorough, relevant and actually helpful?

Having the right CRM training in place makes the process a lot easier for welcoming new employees.

CRM offers so much for your business. But a new employee – even one who has experience in the same CRM system with a prior employer – isn’t going to know specifically how you do things. You want to make sure that everyone is on the same page. By having effective on-boarding training, you can ensure that your new employees have the right CRM training to match your business processes.

Business Examples Aided By CRM Training

Let’s say you’ve hired in a new outside sales representative. That person has a specific knowledge base – she’s good at what she does and knows how to cultivate leads to turn them into repeat clients. However, her abilities stagnate while she tries to hunt and peck her way into your specific CRM software. By instituting the right kind of new-hire CRM training, your new sales representative can quickly learn how to integrate your software and her capabilities to achieve the best results possible. She’ll make the sales you need when she has the right access to the knowledge and customer information stored in your database.

New employees have a steep learning curve in any environment. Learning on the job has its benefits – you remember things you learn yourself. But it also has its drawbacks – you only know what you’ve figured out after painstaking trial and error. Effective CRM training gives your new hires the right method for working within your system. It also gives them a great overview of your entire business model. With the right CRM training, your new employees will have a shorter and less steep learning curve – they’ll feel like part of the team and a productive member of your organization.

Retained Knowledge = Increased Value

Having a systematic CRM training program for new employees also means that at the end of the training session, everyone will be on the same page. Everyone knows how to use the CRM software the way it was intended to be used. It’s not just random seek and find, with one person knowing how to find the right chart and another how to key in contact information. With systematic CRM training, everyone knows how to access and utilize vital company information. You can also dedicate new-hire CRM training not only within specific departments, but have an overview that gives new hires a sense of what is expected through the whole team.

Performance Measurement and Benchmarks

By implementing CRM training expectations, you can also set a base for performance expectations. Everyone has their own abilities. You want to be sure that you get not only the intangibles that each person brings to the team, but also set the goal posts in a clear, concise way. This means that each person coming in will know what is expected of them. You can set target rates and target dates, with the expectation that new hires will reach specific benchmarks at specific times. That makes it easier for team leads and trainers to determine who is working out and who needs some help.

Reduced Employee Turnover

By creating a holistic and specific CRM training program for new hires, you can ensure that there will be less employee turnover, because everyone knows what is expected. AspenTech Consulting Group, Inc. can help you create the right CRM training program for your new hires.

Add These Questions To Your Interview Process

In your hiring interview process, consider incorporating the following:

  1. Do you make it known to prospective team members that you use a CRM?
  2. Do you make it known that you’ll train them on the use of your CRM; that you’ll expect them to use it and part of their performance evaluation will be based upon their effective use of the CRM?
  3. And do you get their buy in on these principles?

Is your organization describing the benefits of its CRM to prospective employees?  If not, why not?

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