Act! v17.1 Release Overview

Written on 03/12/2015
ACT! v17

#Actv17Release | #ActVersion17 | #NewActV17

With the release of Act! 17.1 Swiftpage has added significant new and expanded functionality to Act! v17 and fixed or eliminated dozens of known bugs.  Users will find long awaited end user and administrator improvements and productivity boosters.

If you’re an existing Act! user that purchased Act! v17 prior to its release or automatically got it because you have an Act! Business Care subscriptions, now is the time to upgrade to Act! v17.1.  If you previously installed Act! v17.0, you should evaluate the following improvements in terms of your use of Act!, then decide whether you’ll want to upgrade or not.

Intelligent Marketing

The call list functionality of Act! Emarketing was improved significantly with the Act! v17.1 release.  The overall benefit to the end user is to save time performing common tasks directly from a call list.  These improvements include:

Automation & Productivity Enhancements

  • Improved URLs in Documents, now includes the ability to browse and link to any cloud folder and file, such as Dropbox and SharePoint.  Link to any folder – Video:
  • Improve functionality on high resolution monitors.  Machines with Large Fonts (High DPI) settings historically have had problems with display.  This improves usability for common devices.
  • Improved Outlook Sync logging and stability.  Major enhancements were made to logging, as well as some changes to improve stability

 Streamlined Configuration and Preferences

  • Customizable Big Buttons – Users have been asking for the ability to customize the big buttons at the top of Act!, now it’s here.  Video:
  • Global Preference Management for Web Info – Administrators can now customize the Web Info links globally for all users.  Warning: this will reset ALL Web Info links.  Video:
  • Manage Drop Down Lists – Enables easier management of lists within Act!.  The Web version gets the ability to add and manage lists. Windows and Web versions get the ability to modify the lists in line with the field creation.

> Windows: Add Manage Drop Downs to Create Fields – Video:

> Web: Add Manage Drop Downs to Create Fields – Video:

> Web: Add Manage Drop Down Lists to Web – Video:

  • Import and Duplicate Checking

> Purpose: Allow you to change duplicate checking settings on import for both Windows and Web versions.  Video:

  • Administrator Notifications – Administrators can now set notifications for all users to see when logging into Act! Video:
  • Change Default History Options – Allow users to specify what the default history types should be, such as “Call” instead of current default “Appointment” Note: This is a per user setting saved in the database.  Video –
  • New Installs of Act! get SQL 2014

> Purpose: Stay with the times and install the latest version of SQL

> This will install SQL 2014 on machines that do not have SQL

> Will not install SQL 2014 on Windows XP or Vista

> This will not update any version of SQL

> SQL 2014 can be used in a mixed sync environment, but the server must be the lowest version. IE Server 2008 and Remote 2008/2012/2014.

> Act! v17.1 does not result in a schema change.  This will enable you to have both Act! v17.0 and Act! v17.1 installed on different user’s machines.  To get the full benefits of Act! v17.1, it should be installed on your server and all user’s machines.

Open/Closed Customer Reported Defects in Act! v17.1

  • For a complete list of the items addressed in Act! v17.1 see Act! KB 37916.

Act! Hot Fix

Shortly after the release of Act! v17.1, Swiftpage released Act! v17.1 Hot Fix 1.  We recommend that this hot fix be installed on all computers that you install Act! v17.1 on.

Where do you get it?

You can download Act! v17 and the separate Act! 17.1 Hot Fix 1 here:

Let us know if you have any questions about Act! v17.1 and its capabilities.  Start today with an exploration of what an Act! CRM System can do for your organization.

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